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Two dogs (Gryphon and NorahJones), three cats (Frank, Finnegan, and Fred), and one long-suffering, occasionally patient husband (Patrick G.). Gone, but not forgotten: Puppers: Sadie and (tripawd) Sampson Kittehs: Momo and Maxxie


Thursday, May 5th, 2016

Just an update…

Some of you may know, we lost our beloved Momo–our CRF kitty–this fall at the age of 11. He lived for three years on what amounted to zero kidneys, and levels off the charts–all on palliative care. And he did it in total style. I figured we were done for awhile, saying goodbyes, I mean. […]

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Do not stand at my grave and weep…

So, for a brief moment yesterday, I was sad. I watched the video of Sam’s last day, and I thumbed through photos young and old, watching the both of us age. And in some ways, it seems like it can hardly have been a year since he died, right? He was JUST here. But when […]

Friday, March 7th, 2014

What a long strange trip it’s been.

365 days, and much has changed…and much remains the same. One year ago, the snow was two feet deep…just like today. One year ago, I was recovering at home from surgery…just like today. One year ago, you became a tripawd, and I was waiting for you to come home…but not today. Happy one-year ampuversary, Samdog, […]

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013


Since it’s been a couple of weeks, I thought I’d post an update or two on Gryphon (read: upload gratuitous puppy shots). In some respects, I see a lot of Sam (hey! Poop eating! Stubbornness!), in others…not so much. Of course, we are also just starting to get confident in our world, which makes us […]

Thursday, November 21st, 2013


I realized I never made a blog post, and probably should have ๐Ÿ˜€ But Sally saw the forum post (and photos!), so I don’t have to worry about her and Hannah yelling at me ๐Ÿ˜‰ First there was the Big Pigโ€ฆand now, there is Little Pig Introducing Gryphon (or, as the fancy paperwork says “Sovereign’s […]

Friday, November 15th, 2013

Just so you know

Just so you know, Pigs… and I know you do: I loved you first, I loved you best, and there will never be another to take your spot. You may not have been the dog for everyone, but you were always the dog for me. Just so you know. And I know you do. <3

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

And now for something different!

We always said that Sadie was the bossiest bitch in the ‘verse, but honestly, since Sam died (which will be seven weeks ago on Thursday), she really hasn’t been her old self. Or, maybe she HAS been her old self…her old, old self. She’s finally started going outside on her own again, and has resumed […]

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Pick our Pic

Yeah. I can’t decide which one to enter for the calendar contest. Anyone else want to vote on which one to put up for voting? The lighting is better in the first one, but my ghetto car is in the background and Sam looks better in the second. Hmmmm… Sunshine or snowy March

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Well, that was sorta weird.

So, as I mentioned sometime somewhere else at some point awhile ago (I mean, I’ve mentioned all sorts of random shit, so I am sure this came up), Sampson was a birthday present to myself 13 years ago this month. I had just moved to a new town, I didn’t know anyone, and was enrolled […]

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

I love The Oatmeal

This was always one of my favorite Oatmeal comics. It’s just so appropriate ๐Ÿ˜€ย  (Find this comic here: It always made me laugh, because it was absolutely true. Today, it kinda made me a little weepy. Laughy, but weepy. Because it’s still true.