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Thursday, September 19th, 2013...8:45 AM

I love The Oatmeal

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This was always one of my favorite Oatmeal comics. It’s just so appropriate 😀  (Find this comic here:
It always made me laugh, because it was absolutely true. Today, it kinda made me a little weepy. Laughy, but weepy. Because it’s still true.
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  • Awesome. Thanks for making me smile.

  • Love, LOve, LOVe, LOVE IT!!!!!!!

    brought a tear.. but with a huge smile… :O)

  • I’m pretty sure if Sam could have written his own obituary, he would have said:
    “I have chewed, licked, and humped everything I was put on this earth to chew, lick, and hump. Now I must go.”

    And, FWIW, he was always fond of making me do the Human Centipede. 😀

  • I’m keeping this on my computer forever!! This is soooooo great and soooooo true!!

    But to personalize it a little more for Sam, we need to throw in that he’s not afraid of little innocent bunnies either!

    This just put a huge sparke in everybody’s step today! Thank you for taking the time to share this.

    Now that Sam has grown his fourth leg back, it’s probably an adjustment trying to lick his balls! Oh yeah, I’m sure he has those back too! Can you imagine……all the boy tripawd dogs are lined up at “heaven’s gate” waiting to go in, and all their balls are on a silver platter with their names on them…..can you imagine their joy?!

    Thanks again! You two re in our thoughts everyday. Sam will never be forotten by us!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  • This is great Meghan. Thanks for sharing it.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  •   fourminipups
    September 19th, 2013 at 9:07 PM    Reply

    How absolutely perfect! Thanks for sharing.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  • So cute! Thanks for making us smile. Although my little Daisy didn’t have balls she insisted on air humping my closest friends to show them who was boss….lovely 🙂

    Alicia, Angel Daisy & Quadpawd Dakota

  • Sam didn’t technically have balls anymore, either 😀

    Yet still with the humping and ball-washing. :p

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