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Monday, April 29th, 2013...12:32 PM

Oui! Oui! I eat! Idance! I make merry! April 29

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Update #356 on our food saga:

Started Sam on the Prednisone on Thursday AM. He came to work with me and hung out all day in my office. We had a nice walk at lunch (about 10-12 minutes), and I worried all the excitement (er, relatively speaking) and the walk would be a lot since we had PT that afternoon…but he was great.

FWIW, here is a link a video of Sam using the underwater treadmill at PT! 

I left him in the capable hands of Jacqie (our housesitter, and also our vet tech) while we were gone over the weekend. In the note she left us, she said he ate “like a champ.” I saw that first hand–last night and today, he ate and ate some more. We had 1/3 cup brown rice, a 1/2 to 3/4 cup of kibble (mix of Taste of the Wild, Chef Michaels, and crappy cat kibble), a hot dog, and some PerkiLac. Then he looked like he wanted MORE…so I gave him cottage cheese and kibble, which he also ate. This AM, after finishing that concoction, he also put down 1/4 cup more kibble and an egg.He’s also been quite perky (again with the relatively speaking)–and walks up to 15-20 minutes (well, there is a lot of sniffing and peeing there, too. He likes to greet each blade of grass individually). He walks faster than I do, for sure, and has been engaging his rear legs separately a bit more (as opposed to a bunny hop, which has been his standard gait).

There are up days and down days, but the last two have been up (well, the last 4, I guess, if you count the two we were gone)…so here’s to keeping on keeping on :-)

We finish the pred. on Wednesday, not sure what we will do then. We’ll see what the vet thinks. Also: I was waiting for him to turn into a firehose, but our pee output has been normal. Well, he does have a lot of it, but our frequency and urgency (or lack there of) are the same.

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