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Wednesday, April 24th, 2013...12:31 PM

Frenchy La Foodie Update for April 24

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Sorry for all of these, but…

The vet visit revealed that we have lost weight–we’re down to about 65 lbs. We were 95 lbs in our prime, dropped to 78-80 in our dotage, then down to 75 as we got ill, and down to 70 post-amp. But a six lb loss in 6 weeks isn’t awesome. Part of it is due to muscle loss in the chestr/shoulder area (muscles are there…they just don’t connect anymore), but…

Anyway, a full panel revealed that all Sam’s levels are normal/same as they were pre-surgery. BUT his sodium is low. Which is odd, since all he’s been eating (when he eats) is basically hot dogs, lunch meats, etc…IOW, very high sodium foods for a person, let alone a dog.

So we are stopping the piroxicam for now, and will start a week long course of steroids to see if it helps. Piroxicam is the better anti-cancer choice, but…eating is paramount. There is a mild concern about Addison’s disease at this point. It would be unusual–but again, Sam’s presentation with EVERYTHING has been unusual. And he DOES already have an autoimmune disorder, so…???

At any rate, we will see what the steroids do.

On the eating front: A friend gave me a can of Tripett Green Tripe, saying her dogs lovelovelovelove it. Sam took a couple bites, then wandered away. I tried hand feeding, and he ate a couple MORE bites. And wandered away. Yet, when I threw a slice of Buddig lunch meat on it, he ate that. So, being the try anything sort that I am, I made a giant pile of sushi rolls–green tripe rolled in buddig-and hand fed them. He at the whole can.

(Of course, one of my cats ate the droppings, and just vomited on my shoes. AWESOME)

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