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Saturday, March 23rd, 2013...8:35 AM

Two weeks out…and our first time away!

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2013-03-15 17.30.10We are now at two weeks, two days post op. I am actually in Florida right now, leaving Sam-dog (and his feline and canine siblings) in the very capable hands of our house sitter. We are super super lucky in that Jacqie, who watches our house, is also a vet tech–and more specifically, a vet tech at our office. She was in charge of Sam’s anesthesia and everything during his surgery.

So, as hard as it is to leave for 10 days, I know they are all in good hands, and am so grateful that someone is there to give meds and attention…and a good ass-whooping…when needed.
(As an aside, yesterday, on our first day of vacation, we happened to meet another tripawd on the beach. Her name was Karma, and she was a pug/min pin mix who ย lost her LFrL when she fell out of a car window at Christmastime. I showed her people some pictures of Sam, and we all chatted a bit aout the resilience of animals)
Anyway…I’ve spent two weeks now on, and a lot of time on other sites as well. And so far, what I’ve seen is that we have been VERY fortunate. Sammer is elderly, but no lung mets. So our decisions were fairly easy. Every odd moment, I regret no chemo…but that last likes three seconds. But the amp choice was VERY simple for us. I know many people struggle with it and I am so glad we didn’t have that. We have prioxicam and K9 immunty as far as meds, but until we added tramadol last week for his hips, we had zero pain meds over and above.
At two weeks, we know go up and down stairs at bedtime (although he doesn’t have free range on the stairs other times), we go in and out on stairs. We run and play in the deep, icy snow. Our appetite is the same as it was (not so great…Sam has never been an eater). Unlike many dogs, we pooped and peed just fine from right after surgery. Honestly, aside from some very small things (mostly pill and supplement related), we are absolutely back where we were three weeks ago. Again, I think when you are dealing with a slow moving philodendron with fur, like we are, it helps ๐Ÿ™‚
We don’t have a ton of time. I’d like to hope we do–Sam’s been so contrary so far, and he is SUCH a stubborn bastard, so it makes it easy to think’ll buck these odds, too. But I’m aware that the deck is really not in our favor this time. That being said, the whole point of this, and of keeping a record, is for knowledge. I did this with my own surgeries, which were uncommon, and there was’t much positive anecdotal evidence. I really would like to do that in this case.
I have followed Rolling Dog Ranch (now Rolling Dog Farm: for years, and am well aware of the happiness and joy that a special needs animal can bring to a person’s life. And I’m well aware that animals view “disability” far differently than we do. I also realize, though, that many people do NOT have an easy decision.
It’s my goal with all of this to give an unvarnished, upfront, personal account to help people make a decision about something that…let’s face it, they’d far prefer never to have to think about. Obviously, since I’m on this site, I have a view point. But I didn’t when I came here. And there is not one answer for everyone.
We might have six more weeks. We might have 16 more months. In all probablility, we have somewhere in between. I don’t know the length of time, but I DO know it will be as happy, and as normal, as I can make it–for all of us. And honestly, the amp has been a change, but not a detriment. Sam’s movements have had to adapt, but his personality, his interests, and what floats his boat (HEY! Frozen poop eating!), haven’t changed in the slightest. (Yeah, that’s right. Two feet of frozen snow on the ground, and poop to be excavated and eaten? No problem. No, I don’t know exactky how he manages, b/c I swore not to WATCH him do it. Sure, I’m all about letting him live his days out in happiness, but that doesn’t mean I have to be party to some of his more bizarre pecadillos.)
I’m on my tablet, so this may not work, but here is a video of us doing stairs, snow, peeing, and running…you know, all the high points of doggy life ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • That picture is the essence of serenity and contentment—it’s beautiful and so is your heart! Sooooo glad things are going well for all–ans so quickly too!

    Wherever the journey takes you you know you have done the right thing out of love for Sammer—and he knows it too! And as far as those brief moments of second guessing yourself re. chemo–if you had done it–wouldn’t you have those same brief moments of “should I have done that”—- soooo you did exactly right for Summer and the recovery says it all. He is–and will continue to do so well!!!! The man has it in him! You are a great advocate for him.

    Enjoy your time in Florida–he is certainly enjoying his life. The very best of wishes to you all.

    Thanks for sharing the lovely photos,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  • One more thing…IF you had do e the chemo he wouldn’t have enjoyed eating his poop nearly as much and that would have been just plain wrong to deprive him of that pleasure!!!Bon appetite’. So yet another validation!!

  •   fourminipups
    March 23rd, 2013 at 8:22 PM    Reply

    Your sense of humor is carrying you through this and keeping the rest of us entertained at the same time! Enjoy life Sam no matter what your favorite habit is!

  • Stubborn bastard! What an honor. You are my hero Sampson.

  • Sampson is just one amazing old dog, thank you so much for being here to share his journey with us. I know it’s not easy to be so upfront and honest when talking about this journey, but just know that sooo many folks will be helped by your candidness.

    I hope you had a blast in Florida!

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