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Friday, March 7th, 2014...9:29 AM

What a long strange trip it’s been.

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365 days, and much has changed…and much remains the same.

One year ago, the snow was two feet deep…just like today.

One year ago, I was recovering at home from surgery…just like today.

One year ago, you became a tripawd, and I was waiting for you to come home…but not today.

Happy one-year ampuversary, Samdog, wherever you are.  It was an awful diagnosis, and a terrible disease…but it was also a gift in its own strange way. Thank you for reminding me to find the beauty in small things, each and every day.

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  •   willowsmom
    March 7th, 2014 at 10:35 AM    Reply

    No, it’s just never the same without them, is it?

    Sending you love and hugs,

  • Awwww Sammerz, time might pass but you’ll always be in our hearts. We miss you.

  •   Michelle
    March 7th, 2014 at 11:30 AM    Reply

    Hoppy Ampuversary in heaven Samdog. You are always in our hearts & in your moms. Keep watching over that little monkey in your home now.

    We miss you Sam

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  • Oh Sammer!! Just seeing your picture put a HUGE grin on my face!!

    You are so alive and so enjoying the scents in the air!! Your ears are perked up as thoughyou are listening for a bunny!! You naughty boy!

    Megan, I’m sooooo glad you posted in his blog!! We ALWAYS want to see more Sam!

    And you darn right…Happy one year ampuversary!!! Darn right!!

    Okay, gotta’ hijack Pig Dog’s blog for a second……soooooo glad to hear Moo is hanging in there!! Incredible!! I had been meaning to email you to check-in, but there was a part of me who felt like I had surely missed a post of his “passing”. When I searched all the posts you had “started”, I never found anything. Then I just surmised you just didn’t feel like posting “it” because “it” was around the holidays.

    And then I saw in your wonderfully kind and spot-on reply to me the other day, Moo is still here being Moo!!! OMC!!! What a miracle kitty!!
    Talk about the Power of Love!! Talk about Sam watching over you guys!! OMD! This just made me soooooo happy for you!! And you better believe Sam and Moo are an inspiration to us of epic proportions!

    Oh, and that leads me to one more thing! I LOVE the little “family album” Christmas card you sent!! I have a “special” table where I have some pictures that Sassy, Chuck,Super Dog Hunter and some others have sent me. I put your card in a frame and have it safely place among all the other photos that inspire me everyday. Thank you.

    Okay Sam!! I know you’re busy having bunny cake today so we’re gonna’ celebrate with you! NO! Not bunny cake!! Deer poop cake!!

    Would LOVE to see pics of Sam more often!! He’s just such a “unique” looking fella’!! And you always tell the best stories on him. You belong here Megan. Please keep coming back more often. You add sooo much to this community!!

    Sending love to you and all your wonderful pack! We could use another “puppy” update too…with pictures of course!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    • ITALIA SIAMO NOIho letto i tuoi commenti, come quelli di altri amici, dove si esprimono con molta forza e rabbia delle verità molto amare, per le quali, a parte rari casi non comportano nessun effetto, reazione, l’ho constatato personalmente spesso e in qualsiasi ambiente. Agli italiani in seguito al lavaggio del cervello perpetrato per anni e anni ne hanno bisogno di un’altro controloavaggio di diioctisssnazione di altrettanto lunga durata, e forse finalmente avremo dei cambiamenti.

  •   lorimomofasaint
    March 7th, 2014 at 5:42 PM    Reply

    Awww..happy ampuversary Sam! You were one special guy!

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